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“Wine is born, then it lives. But it never dies, in man it lives on.”

Baron Philippe De Rothschild's signature
Baron Philippe De Rothschild
A warm image of the Opus One Foyer during the fall season.

时间的精髓在每一款不同年份的Opus One 中都表达得淋漓尽致。地点,通常定义为风土,包含地理、气候和基本的人类因素,在葡萄酒的力量与精细、结构与质地间的平衡中被完美捕捉。

探索 Opus One 的不同年份
Opus One driveway and vintage car

“Wine to me is passion. It's family and friends. It's warmth of heart and generosity of spirit.”

Robert Mondavi's signature
Robert Mondavi
Opus One limestone guard towers and California Redwood front doors
A glass of Opus One red wine on a glass in the Oakville Partners' Room.

从葡萄园孕育出的优雅之作,Opus One的出现犹如庄园和庄园周边土地的一场低调庆典。它不断地见证我们创始人的愿景——创造世代流芳的非凡葡萄酒。

An image of a small bird on a vineyard wire at clone 4 on the Opus One estate.